Letter from the President, May 2021

Howdy to all the Pacifica One Moose Lodge Members,

The month of May means one thing, we start a new year with exciting plans for the future of the Lodge. First, I would like to say how humbled I am by the support that I have received from our membership this past year as your Governor. I am truly blessed to have you all in my life. It sure has been a challenge and I pray we never ever have to go through this again. We did it, you all did your part. I ask that we continue to do the best we can wear a mask and socially distance. If we all do our part, then we can fully open sooner than later. We are following all CDC guidelines. I am looking forward to fun times back at the Lodge.

If you have not heard, we are now One Moose! Stronger together. This means that the men and women are One. Changes are good for the membership, the Lodge, and our community. Let us embrace the new One Moose. I am honored to serve as the President for the Pacifica Moose Lodge 1944. I hope that you will volunteer to serve on a committee or if you have ideas for an event, please let me know. Your involvement will make us stronger, our message is ONE & FUN!

Membership is key to our success, we will be having a membership drive in the next few months.

Being a Moose is an honor and privilege to serve our community. This year we are ONE MOOSE!

Fraternally Yours
Leonard Iniguez
One and Fun!!!

Margaret and I wish you all the best.