Letter from the Governor, May 2020

Hello Brothers and Co Workers

First, I want to say thank you for following orders and sheltering in place, wearing your masks and staying 6’ apart. This is the fastest way we can get back to being together. Also I want to thank everyone for shopping and getting takeout food from Pacifica restaurants, this helps keep our community strong.

I’ve been spending a lot of time with my family, dinners together, board games, gardening, and the Honey-Do List. Now it’s time to start back up our Moose Family. We will be starting food pick up orders on May 7th. Order times are 5-7 pm. Steak sandwiches and fries only for now. Hands free to the box. Check the newsletter for more information.

OK, let’s hand out 5 free drink chips. For the first five Moose members who order their food and say, “I miss you guys” I will give a drink chip to when you pick up your food. Remember this is a time to be grateful, kind to others and patient. Hopefully we will see you soon.

Fraternally Yours
Paul Lavorini
Governor 2019-2020